Diabetes: Symptoms and causes

Diabetes is a disease that is triggered when the blood sugar is too high making it hard for the body to regulate or contain blood glucose. Blood glucose is the main energy source that comes from the food we consume which helps us perform various functions. We heavily rely on a hormone called insulin to extract glucose from the food we consume and transfer it into the respective body cells. We are faced with challenges where the body doesn't produce sufficient or any insulin at all. Eventually, your blood will store all the glucose thus inhibiting the transfer into other cells which deprives them of the energy source which can be detrimental to your health. Diabetes can only be managed since there's no cure.

Let us check the different types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

This form of diabetes is autoimmune and it is known to attack the immune system by attacking and killing some cells in the pancreas which is responsible for producing insulin.

Type 2 diabetes

This form of diabetes is triggered when your body becomes resistant to insulin. It causes more sugar to accumulate in your blood which has heath underlying issues.


It is another form of diabetes that occurs when the blood sugar levels increase past normal but it's not severe as type 2 diabetes.

The common symptoms of diabetes

One of the main symptoms of diabetes is the urge to urinate frequently. Many diseases are associated with the urgency to urinate take a further step to know your underlying problem.

You might develop blurry vision, but it could also be an indication you might have liver problems. Blurred vision may connote many things, you need to take things further to know what might be the issue.

Unusual weight loss is another common symptom associated with diabetes and you should visit your doctor for a check-up.

Another symptom that is often associated with diabetes is becoming frequently thirsty. It is normal to feel thirsty but when the urge grows even after having something to drink then it should be a red flag.

Diabetes impotence is also a common symptom of diabetes, especially in men. Individuals who may note they may erectile dysfunction alongside other symptoms mentioned in the article then it is a clear indication you might have diabetes.

Excessive fatigue is also a common symptom of diabetes. Again, it might indicate some other underlying health problems which are important to take the next step and see a doctor.

A constant feeling of hunger can imply that you have a fast metabolism, but it could also mean you have diabetes.

What are the main causes of diabetes?

There are many causes of diabetes. Some of them are caused by lifestyle choices while others are caused by uncontrolled factors. Healthy eating is an important preventive factor, but sometimes it is not enough.

Age is a big cause of diabetes because as we age we tend to exercise less and we gain weight, which prevents the pancreas from properly secreting insulin. It can also be caused by a viral infection or disease that affects the pancreas and prevents insulin from being properly excreted.

Obesity and body fat prevent muscles and tissues from responding to insulin as expected which takes a toll on our health. The organs become resistant to insulin released by the pancreas. Insulin does not work properly and causes an increase in blood sugar, which ultimately leads to diabetes. Remember, if a body contains too many carbohydrates, fats or proteins, this can also lead to pancreatic dysfunction.

Frequent smoking can lead to diabetes as well as high alcohol consumption. Stress is also an important factor. The body's metabolism is directly influenced by its lifestyle. This includes the amount of daily stress which causes your insulin metabolism to react differently and make you diabetic.

There are factors like an inheritance that nobody has control over. If one or more family members suffer from the disease, there is a huge likelihood that you might suffer from the same.

Among the causes of diabetes, pregnancy is also a factor for many. Gestational diabetes is often detectable between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy when insulin resistance begins.

The best way to avoid the causes of diabetes is to pay attention to your diet by adopting a culture of consuming healthy foods. Take at least 5-6 hours of exercise a week and drink plenty of water. Visit a doctor regularly to look for factors such as high blood pressure, especially if one of your parents has diabetes.